8 steps to earning money with your drone
In the UK you need to gain a Permission for Commercial Operation (PfCO or drone license as some people refer to it) before you can fly your drone commercially. If you do not have a PfCO then you will be breaking the law if you try to earn money for any services you provide.
Earning your PCfO can be broken down into the following stages:
Step 1: Take a theory course
The CAA does not organise or run assessment courses but it has approved National Qualified Entities (NQEs) to carry out the training and assessments on its behalf.
The length of the theory course can vary, they often last 2-3 days and end in a theory test (online courses are available). You can find a list of CAA approved NQEs HERE.
The course should provide you with the appropriate knowledge of the rules and regulations governing commercial drone operations.
Some NQEs will run courses that teach you how to fly your drone too. These course are great if you have never flown a drone before but are interested in the industry.
Step 2: Take a theory test
At the end of your theory course you will have to sit a theory test.
The test is multiple choice and will cover elements from the theory course.
Step 3: Write an Operations Manual
An Operations Manual is a legal requirement by the CAA. It details every aspect of the commercial drone operations that you will carry out, including the instructions and actions needed to undertake a safe flight.
You can find an Operations Manual template HERE.
Writing an operations manual can be a daunting task, however there are companies which will produce a tailored Operations Manual for you.
Step 4: Write Flight Reference Cards (FRCs)
You will need FRCs for each UAV that you intend to fly commercially.
Click HERE to find out what you need to include in your Flight Reference Cards.
Step 5: Get commercial drone insurance
Before you can fly your drone commercially you will need insurance.
The CAA states that ‘UAS Operators must comply with Regulation (EC) 785/2004 (Article 2) on Insurance Requirements for Air Carriers and Aircraft Operators.’
Click HERE to find out more about insurance and providers.
Step 6: Take the Operational Evaluation
Once you have completed the above steps you are ready to take your drone flight exam or Operational Evaluation.
You should be comfortable flying your aircraft at this stage and have all of the appropriate safety equipment to carry out the flight to a professional standard.
Click HERE to find out what may be expected of you during the Operation Evaluation.
Step 7: Submit all necessary documents to the CAA
You will need to supply the CAA with the following documents: a completed copy of your Operations Manual with an original signature, a completed SRG1320 Form, a copy of your annual Commercial Drone Insurance Policy, and a stock image of your drone.
Some NQEs will submit this on your behalf.
Step 8: Pay the CAA’s Fee
A first time submission fee is £173 and a renewal Submission Fee is £130.
You can either add your bank details to the SRG123 Form or you can call the CAA direct and make the payment over the telephone.
Step 9: Receive your PfCO
You should receive your PfCO approximately 28 days afters the CAA has taken payment.
The CAA will email you directly with a copy of your PfCO. It is only once you are in possession of the PfCO that you can carry out commercial work.
Congratulations you are now in possession of a PfCO or a ‘Commercial Drone License’ as some people refer to it!